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IF/ELIF/ELSE allow(s) you to run code, only if a certain condition is met.

ELIF can only come after an IF, and ELSE can only come after an ELIF or IF. If any IF or ELIF are true, then all subsequent ELIFs and ELSEs are ignored. After that, you can create a new IF statement by using the IF command once again.

System Var:


If success is true if there was a recent IF/ELIF statement that resulted to TRUE. Value is reset to FALSE if there is a new IF statement is created, and results to FALSE.


IF <condition>


VAR a 10

REM if a is equal to 10
IF a == 10
REM this code is ran
STRINGLN Hello World

REM if a is not equal to 10
STRINGLN Hello World Not Found :/


STRINGLN Hello World